Breaking: Millwall chairman has just issued a statement regarding Shaun Hutchinson.

JAMES Berylson led the accolades for Shaun Hutchinson, calling the Millwall captain “club royalty” following the confirmation of his departure.

The defender, whose contract expires next month, was announced to be leaving the club on Saturday as the Lions released their retained list for the upcoming season.

The 33-year-old was Millwall’s longest-serving player, with 257 appearances over his eight-year tenure at the club.

Shaun Hutchinson was incredibly popular with fans and team-mates. Image: Millwall FC

Shaun Hutchinson, immensely popular with both fans and teammates, has been the subject of high praise following the announcement of his departure from Millwall. Image: Millwall FC.

After an injury-plagued season that limited him to just 14 appearances, speculation had been mounting about his future at The Den. Upon confirming his exit, chairman James Berylson lauded Hutchinson in a heartfelt statement.

Berylson remarked, “As far as I am concerned, Shaun is club royalty. My father and I loved him. We all wish him the very best and I hope to see Shaun back with us in the future.”

In recent weeks, before Hutchinson’s departure was confirmed, his teammates spoke highly of his influence in the dressing room. Midfielder George Honeyman described Hutchinson as the “epitome of this club,” highlighting his rapport with the fans and his significant presence on the pitch. Honeyman added, “I would be extremely sad if he were to leave and I think there would be a long list of us that would feel that way as well. He keeps everyone humble and working hard.”

Ryan Leonard echoed these sentiments, calling Hutchinson one of the best center-backs in the league over the past five or six years. Leonard praised Hutchinson’s dual leadership style, noting that he balances big speeches with personal interactions, especially encouraging young players. “He’s always encouraging players, telling them what they can do better and what they can improve on,” Leonard said.

Even those who spent less time with Hutchinson, such as loanees Brooke Norton-Cuffy and Michael Obafemi, were fans of the center-back, underscoring his widespread impact and legacy at Millwall.

Despite injuries this season, Shaun Hutchinson remained an influential figure at Millwall. Image: Millwall FC

Despite injuries this season, Shaun Hutchinson remained an influential figure at Millwall. Image: Millwall FC

“Hutchy plays a big role in the changing room,” Norton-Cuffy said. “He just drives standards in training.

“I feel like I’ve seen it a lot more recently because I haven’t been starting. He gets around the players that aren’t playing as much and I’ve seen him do that with the boys. He plays a massive part even just him travelling with us to away games and stuff, even if he’s not playing.”

Obafemi said: “Hutchy is a big role model. He’s been injured but he’s always been positive around the changing room even when we were down in the mud. Amazing guy, great leader.”

Fans were also quick to pay tribute on social media when the news of Hutchinson’s departure broke with his famous goal at Bristol Rovers in 2017 a memory that was frequently recalled.

One supporter on X said: “All the best Hutch, great leader for many years and legend status for ‘That Goal’. We will always remember and that’s helped put us where we are today.”

Another said: “What a player, will go down as one of the best CB’s we’ve had in my opinion. Will be missed. All the best, Hutch.”

While another Lions supporter wrote: One of the best signings we’ve made over last 20 years. 257 appearances, seems like 500.”


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