RESPONSES FROM FANS Philippe Clement works out while the Rangers manager’s fierce demeanor deters fans from ..

Managing one of the Old Firm comes with a heavy responsibility, and at the moment, Philippe Clement feels the full weight of it all bearing down on him.

Philippe Clement wants longer recovery after European games as Rangers beat  Livi | beIN SPORTS

The Rangers boss has turned a team that under Michael Beale appeared weak and helpless into a formidable force that is currently aiming for an incredible Treble. But the Glasgow goldfish bowl can become increasingly oppressive as expectations increase.

Many of Clement’s predecessors have sought solace in interests outside of football under similar conditions. For someone who describes himself as a “football obsessive” who thinks about his team practically nonstop, that’s easier said than done. However, the big Belgian also firmly believes in the adage that “a healthy body leads to a healthy mind,” therefore he makes it a point to set aside an hour or two each day to spend at the one location where he can forget about his worries about Ibrox.


Clement’s escape room is located in the gym, although other people would rather be on the couch or the golf course. A new date for Sunday’s postponed match against Dundee will need to be found somewhere in his team’s frantic run-in, which means the Ibrox boss will have less time to avoid the brutal environment he entered when he took up the Ibrox assignment back in October.

However, he thinks that having this little window of time to spend getting himself in shape will be crucial to making sure he has the power and endurance to last the rest of the Premiership endurance test. Clement remarked, “It’s 24/7 for me, but I enjoy things outside of football.”

“Unlike when I was in Monaco, my spouse is with me here in Scotland.” Because of her job at the time, it was not feasible. Undoubtedly, that is one thing that I find helpful. I enjoy going to the gym, which is the second. I can give it everything I have at that point and work really hard.

“Maybe this is not the appropriate way to say it, but I hurt myself.” And that gives me the freedom to consider alternative ideas. It’s a moment of relaxation, yet occasionally I get asked for a photo or to discuss the game. However, they leave me alone once they see I’m in my concentration mode. However, I truly adore this place and everyone’s enthusiasm for football.

“I wish not to run away from that. All you have to do is be cautious not to become mired in thought when you are constantly considering the team. I consider what I should say to each player, what choices we have, and how to improve them.

Since these thoughts are constantly on my mind, I go to the gym for one or two hours every day to get away from my thoughts. It’s harder when I’m at home.

This week, Clement celebrates turning the big 5-0 on Friday, marking a significant milestone. He’s approaching middle age, yet he’s discovered that cutting corners with his fitness didn’t help him. “Should I do weights or cardio? ” he grinned. Various things, but obviously insufficient!

“I lost track of that following my career. In the beginning, I put in a lot of effort as an assistant, and the head coach would utilize me as an extra player in practice if a player got hurt. I continued doing it for a few years until my hip began to hurt too much. After my surgery, the situation was too risky.

I stopped doing it after that, and I lost myself in the work. I was pretty much idle till this point. I had more time from July till I moved here, so I picked up sports again.

“Both my body and mind feel significantly better. My love has always been sports, therefore I currently have access to a gym or could spend an hour jogging or doing anything else. That’s when I can truly unwind and enjoy myself.

Stephan Van Der Heyden, Clement’s right-hand man, has embraced the chance to visit as much of Scotland as possible, posting photos of his trips on Instagram.

Rangers Confirm Stephan Van Der Heyden as Assistant Manager | Rangers  Football Club

Clement, though, hasn’t had the same opportunity to explore the sights. “Much less,” he replied. However, this is a distinct role.

Prudhomme and I had previously served as assistants, and I had greater power before. I don’t regret it, but I can’t now. It’s my passion, my life, and the path I selected.

With Glasgow split into blue and green neighborhoods, Clement and his spouse Isabelle have been able to travel about the city, but that comes with its own problems. When asked if everyone he had come across had shown respect, the Rangers manager responded, “No, not every time, but not in significant ways.”

“Getting the finger from people is the worst, but it doesn’t bother me! It’s their thing if doing it makes them feel better. It’s not a problem I have. Is it alright with my wife? Yes, but I notice that people seem more aloof when she’s around me. Thus, I stay near to here!”

The Rangers fans have accepted their new manager wholeheartedly, and Clement is finding the partnership enjoyable. He remarked, “There’s a lot of love from both sides.” “I also adore them.” The atmosphere in the stadium was fantastic, especially with the same level of support and enthusiasm as the previous game.

People are always rooting for the team, and you can witness the emotional interaction between the players and supporters. That’s why I adore my work. to experience these sensations and see these things. That is the main issue.

I am therefore incredibly happy right now in that regard, but I want to give the people more and give them a chance to experience a truly great explosion together. In my opinion, it might be fantastic.


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