Barry Ferguson’s address to the Rangers team includes specifics. Talk in the Celtics changing room

Barry Ferguson sends message to Rangers squad and details Celtic dressing  room dynamics - Football Scotland

The former Gers skipper has told the current squad in no uncertain terms

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Barry Ferguson doesn’t expect to see Celtic give up the title without a fight now that they’ve relinquished top spot.

And he’s told Rangers‘ squad to “beware the backlash” after the Hoops team and manager Brendan Rodgers came under fire from their own support and other critics. Many people have made the Light Blues favourites to wrestle back the Premiership crown after moving two points clear at this fairly late stage.

But Fergie has been in these situations before and knows not to expect the other side of the city to fold over and go out with a whimper. He knows they have to come out fighting and by the same token his old club have to be wary of that with some tough fixtures of their own coming up.

As skipper, he used to sound like a broken record drumming it into his own players but it’s a message that is very much needed.

He said in the Daily Record: “It was like a voice inside my own head that just wouldn’t shut up. ‘Don’t you even think about letting this slip now. You’ve worked too f****** hard to get into this position. Grab onto this thing so tight it makes your fingers bleed!’. I couldn’t switch it off. I had to keep sending out the same message, over and over.

“And it was all because, deep down, I knew the job wasn’t done yet, even though we were leading the league race from the front, with the finishing line coming into sight. That’s where Rangers got to on Sunday when they claimed their place at the top of the table. And that’s why they can’t afford to take the foot off the gas because, if they do, they could end up kicking themselves for the rest of their lives.

“I’ve got three words for them now that Celtic are in the rear view mirror – beware the backlash – because that’s exactly what’s coming. Don’t think for a second that Celtic will just wave you off over the horizon towards the title, wishing you all the best.

“You have to believe they’re coming after you with a fire in their belly. You have to know how badly they want to bring you down and take it all away. Look, I’ve not been privy to the conversations that have been going on inside Celtic’s training ground this week. But I’ll have a good guess.

“There will have been a lot of straight talking and a lot of angry men. Guys like Callum McGregor, Joe Hart and Cameron Carter-Vickers won’t take any of this lying down. And Rangers would be making a huge mistake if they expect anything other than a stinging Celtic response to being knocked off their perch.”

Some Rangers observers weren’t overly enamoured with the win over St Johnstone despite the 3-0 scoreline. But Ferguson loved seeing them overcome a tricky pitch against a side with an experienced manager which could have been a banana skin.

It’s the sort of game that wins you title and he’s also pleased to see Philippe Clement mould his side into one that can mix it up.

“They mixed it up brilliantly,” he added. “They weren’t afraid to go from back to front or to play long balls over the top of the St Johnstone defence and it was quite clearly all part of the manager’s plan. I’ve heard a few mumps and moans about Clement’s style of play but you’ll never keep everyone happy. The fact is, he is prepared to strip it back and keep things simple when that’s exactly what’s required.

“And Sunday in Perth was absolutely one of those days. He doesn’t have the arrogance to think his side can just turn up anywhere and play the way they want to. You have to be respectful of what you are coming up against, first and foremost.

“And the biggest challenge at the weekend was the state of the pitch. If you’re not able to fire the ball around at the tempo you like, then you have to find a different way to win a football match.

“It looks to me as if Clement works out in advance what’s going to be required and spends two or three days drumming it into his players on the training ground. He’s not scared to change things – either before the game or during it.

“And he’s not one of those managers who bangs on about the standard of the performance when all that really matters is getting back to Glasgow with another three points in the bag. If that means substance over style then the Rangers fans will gladly take it.”


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