I’ve got a Hibs secret to tell you that no one knew about until now – Tam McManus

A fair few Hibs fans are grumbling about the team jetting out to Dubai for some warm-weather training after a pretty lukewarm first half of the season.

But I reckon the trip can help the team come out fighting after the shutdown. Or maybe they’ll just end up fighting with each other.

Hibs heading out to the United Arab Emirates triggered memories of my playing days when we used to get away for some sunshine in January. You can imagine the response in the dressing room back then when Alex McLeish told us we were going to the Caribbean during the winter break. Wee Russell Latapy must have been twisting his arm to get back to his homeland and, sure enough, off we went to Trinidad and Tobago. The boys were buzzing and I remember being a kid on the fringes just desperate to make sure I had a seat on the plane.

I made it and it was a brilliant trip… but it didn’t pass without incident. First things first, we bust a gut out there. We had three games against local select teams and did double sessions in training. It was tremendous in terms of building team morale, working on our shape and our fitness – everything you want from these jaunts.

A lot of people scoff when teams go away like Hibs now. But what a difference it makes, having a bit of sun on your face instead of sticking on hats and gloves to battle the elements here in January.

There’s not the same sense of dread going into training, that’s for sure. And it also allows you to fully focus on just the football rather than anything else going on in life.

Anyway, we’d put in a power of work and Big Eck gave us the green light for a night out at the end of the trip. Wee Russell was in his element. He was like a god out there. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it. He got mobbed wherever he went and it was free bars all the way.

We were having a jolly old time of it until the night took a turn for the worse when big Shaun Dennis and Oli Gottskalksson had a bit of a falling out. Next thing we knew, Shaun had lamped the keeper and knocked him spark out. There was our first-choice keeper star-fished on the floor.

The place was in uproar. It’s fair to say Big Eck wasn’t too chuffed the next day.

He hit the roof with us but it gave us a chuckle at the first press conference after we got back when the gaffer said Oli was going to be out for six weeks with a groin strain. To this day, no one knew it was actually a broken cheekbone.

That was a bit unfortunate but I wouldn’t expect any similar shenanigans with the current Hibs squad out in Dubai. It’s a different ball game these days as it is not like our lot who didn’t need an invitation to get up to mischief. Despite what some of the punters think, I believe this is a great trip for the team and it could set them up for the rest of the campaign.

Don’t forget, Nick Montgomery didn’t get a chance to work with this group in pre-season training and the games came thick and fast before the New Year. This will give him a chance to be around the players 24/7, get in the extra sessions and hammer home his thoughts on how he wants them to play.

I said on these pages last week that I felt third spot was out of reach now because Hearts have Lawrence Shankland. But they could get an offer they can’t refuse and it might just shift the goalposts. Either way, there is still a lot to play for. The League Cup was a sore one but there’s the Scottish Cup up for grabs and European football to fight for.

This campaign cannot be allowed to drift the way it has in the first half of the season. Getting away will be good for team bonding and it will be a great experience for the young players, in particular.

Back in the Caribbean, I remember looking up to tremendous pros like Franck Sauzee, Mixu Paatelainen and Latapy. OK, it might be a stretch saying wee Russell was a great pro but you know what I mean.

Some of the young boys might make a push out in Dubai but there’s no doubt Montgomery needs backing in the window. I’m sure he would have loved a few new faces on the plane but that is not how it works in January.

It looks like the Bill Foley investment might have to wait until the summer but you would think plans were being put in place now. Hibs are a few players short and the manager will need to be allowed to put his own stamp on it. He’ll want to make a decent fist of it – just like big Shaun in Trinidad and Tobago.


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