With a buzz about Bill Foley’s investment, Alan Stubbs advises Hibs on what to do in the Rangers pressure cooker.

Alan Stubbs believes that there is a certain standard that Hibs must meet, but he emphasizes the importance of supporting manager Nick Montgomery, especially in light of new investment in the club. Ahead of their Scottish Cup quarter-final against Rangers, Stubbs, who managed Hibs during their last Scottish Cup win in 2016, highlights the significance of defensive improvement for success against Rangers.

He suggests that while Hibs have shown progress going forward, they must address defensive vulnerabilities, particularly against Rangers, to unsettle them and pose a challenge.

Regarding the recent investment, Stubbs stresses the need for stability and support for Montgomery. He believes that the club should move away from constant managerial changes and instead focus on stability to foster progress, both on and off the pitch. Stubbs sees a top-six finish as the minimum expectation for Hibs given their budget and hopes that the new investment will facilitate further progress for the club.


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