‘That’s why’: Pundit claims 23-year-old Celtic player can’t play 90 minutes because of his diet


Celtic have plenty of problems to deal with right now but I though looking at players’ diet wouldn’t be one of them.Well, more specifically, it is Luis Palma’s diet that they should be more concerned about. Because a Honduran pundit has claimed that the 23-year-old winger cannot play 90 minutes of football because he was not eating enough as a child.

Salvador Nasralla was speaking about Palma after the Champions League win over Feyenoord when Palma was taken off around the 75th-minute mark.

Nasralla said [Deportes TVC], “Luis Palma played only 62 minutes again, why, because the food in Honduras is enough for that; Palma is a very intelligent player, a very good player.

“In Europe, the diet is always good and balanced, there is no excess, and that’s why Europeans can play 90 minutes three times a week.

“It’s a problem of the country, of economies, that’s why a very good soccer player from Honduras can’t be worth as much as one from a country where children grow up well-fed.”

In fact, looking at Palma’s stats, it could be that Nasralla was speaking about his appearance for Honduras but either way, it’s quite a claim.

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For Celtic, Palma has only completed the full 90 minutes on two occasions this season. When starting, the Honduran is generally taken off around the 65-70 minute mark.

Now whether that’s down to him being tired or Rodgers just looking to freshen the team up, we cannot put a definitive answer on.

For Honduras, Palma has played the full 90 minutes for his country on all but one occasion. Well, two if you count being taken off in the 89th against Mexico last month. [Transfermarkt]

I must admit I had never given much thought as to why Palma is subbed off more times than he has finished games but I suppose it’s one thing to watch out for in the future.


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