Former Referee conveniently singles out celtic star for simulation

In the Daily Record, former referee Des Roache took aim at Reo Hatate, claiming that he attempted to use unethical tactics to win a spot kick against St. Mirren on Saturday at Celtic Park.

First of all, I felt that Reo went down far too easily; it was definitely not a spot kick.
Whether or not he can be accused of cheating, however, is debatable because he was acting “cutely” in an attempt to persuade the referee to award a penalty, as many players do in similar circumstances.
Ironically, the Daily Record, former referee Roache, and the majority of the Scottish mainstream media have conveniently ignored the fact that a St Mirren striker committed the exact same offense during the first half of Saturday’s match.

Ironically, last week we witnessed some of the most egregious cheating by a player in our game in recent memory—something that the likes of Des were neither seen nor heard. Although the embarrassing antics we saw from Fabio Silva last week were in no way Reo Hatate’s fault, I suppose the Scottish media needs to try to be more impartial.


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