Frustrating they may be to those not particularly interested in the ebb and flow of international football, there can’t have been too many breaks in a season welcomed so universally at Bristol City as this one.

The Robins are on a horrid run of five defeats in six matches, eroding any optimism generated at the start of the year and creating a thoroughly unpleasant atmosphere for everyone concerned; whether that be the board, Liam Manning, the players, staff and, of course, the supporters.

It increasingly feels like a wasted season of which progress has been in short supply, at least in this current moment, because there are still eight games remaining in 2023/24 and, as the Championship constantly teaches you, forecasting what is going to happen can make you look foolish.

With Leicester City just over a week away, the pause in the schedule has given everyone time to reflect and recalibrate ahead of the final straight which, however frustrating the campaign must feel and even with City marooned in lower mid-table, appears to be a pivotal period, for a number of reasons.

To gauge exactly what the fanbase is thinking, we spoke to 10 Reds to discuss the good, not-so-good, the Man in the dugout and those above him in the stands. Feel free to add your own responses to the questions in the comments section at the foot of the story…

Trying not to focus too much on the last month for now (which I know is difficult) but zoom out for a bit and try and sum up how you feel about the season so far?

Tom Rawle, 32, Lincolnshire: “I think it’s about as expected but I’m still feeling a little underwhelmed. I expected us to finish around where we are now but given where we were at the turn of the year and the excitement of a January transfer window it just feels really underwhelming and it’s a horrible feeling to write another season off so early.

Paul Binning, 45, Pontyclun: “The season has been a bit of same-old, same-old. Some highs, some lows – the disappointing thing for me has been how we don’t appear to have progressed much overall.

“Losing Alex Scott was obviously a blow and despite protestations to the contrary, it doesn’t feel like we’ve properly replaced him in the way we needed to – Jason Knight has been great but the signing of Scott Twine suggests we had a huge creative gap that simply hasn’t been filled.”

David Thomas, 53, Stanton Drew: “At the start of every season, my friends and family play the ‘prediction game’ and each of us put forward an educated guess of where we will finish in the table come May. For this season, I expected signs of improvement and for us to better our 14th position in 22/23 and I predicted that the Robins would finish between 10th-12th place. That seems unlikely now doesn’t it, when you look at the table, with eight games to go?

“With 38 games played, we have already lost the same number of games that we did after 46 games last season (17), so to sum up how I feel about the season so far, is a huge feeling of disappointment.”

Paul Hunt, 53, Portbury: “Disappointed and frustrated. I thought this was going to be the season to see if Nigel Pearson’s rebuild was going to go somewhere but it was ended before we could find out.

“To me, a new manager means effectively starting again as they have to be given time to bring in their own players. So we seem to be in a constant state of rebuilding which never comes to fruition. Young players developed and sold before they can help us to promotion.”

Ani Harish, 18, Henleaze: “I feel largely like it’s gone how most of us would have expected it to go, apart from the managerial change, perhaps. A team that on paper has a decent mix of young potential and some older heads just not being able to put a consistent run together.

“Disappointment remains, of course, with seemingly another mid-table finish looming without much to play for towards the back-end of the campaign but general comfort that we haven’t been dragged into anything major down at the bottom when teams have picked up form and through our transition period with a new manager.”

Rob Dickie reacts as Ellis Simms scores for Coventry (Photo by Naomi Baker/Getty Images)

Steve Bennett, 52, Portishead: “It’s been indifferent all season. We’ve been consistently blighted by injuries throughout which has hampered progress. It’s difficult to forget the last six games and our league form since New Year’s Day. I was more positive at the start of the season than I am now.”

Matt Burke, 38, Yate: “Very inconsistent….as per usual for us; some top performances in the cup but nowhere near enough of those performances in the league.”

Milo Lucas, 17, Leigh Woods: “Overall, I’m not overly happy or disappointed. I think there’s been so many good bits but like it has been for years the biggest issue for us remains our consistency.”

Matt Deane, 38, Hampshire: “It’s been as I expected. I’m not doom and gloom but realistically we are a mid-table Championship side who on their day can beat the best (Southampton at home) and also lose to some of the worst, but haven’t traditionally had that extra edge to take us on a run to get into the play-offs. The change of manager mid season only reinforced that view. Destined for another 10th-15th finish.”

David Pottier, 68, Tickenham: “Disappointment based upon where we are now against where I felt we might have been in the aftermath of the Watford win on Boxing Day or the mid-February win against Southampton.”

What aspects or moments have you been most enthused by, whether that be a single match, the development of a player, the club strategy, or something else?

Tom Rawle: “My two favourite moments of the season have been Millwall and Rotherham away due to last minute limbs which are always fun.”

Paul Binning: “A couple of periods. September and even into October where defeats started to pile up for Pearson, I felt we’d built on last year, we had definitively become more robust, were tremendously hard-working and even in defeats, either gave it a good go or were unlucky. It felt like we were maybe 2-3 players away from genuinely competing for sixth spot.

“Then, from the end of December into January I felt the peaks we were hitting under Manning were higher peaks – we were chasing down in a high block with the front four, not always getting it right but creating chances off the back of that.

“The wins pre-Christmas and Watford, four cup games, draw at Coventry, winning at Middlesbrough, all had many promising signs again. That first half at ‘Boro was superb. I don’t understand why we haven’t continued trying to play that style.”

David Thomas: “While I attend all home matches, I only attend a handful of away fixtures, so it’s difficult for me to pick out any single game, especially if we are analysing the team and looking to single out one solid performance over a 90+ minute period (by the way, I did miss the famous home game against Southampton, due to holiday…). However, I did travel to the London Stadium for the FA Cup tie and I was very impressed, rather than enthused of how we went toe-to-toe against a high-flying West Ham, especially in the second half.

“In terms of the development of a single player? Many will disagree here, but I think from a defensive perspective, George Tanner has most certainly improved this season and let’s be honest, that’s his job and what he is paid to do.

“With regards to the club strategy, I get the whole concept of ‘buying for the future’ but the ‘here and now’ is far more important to me as a supporter. I think the strategy is very much driven by finances and based on youth, rather than experience. In summary, it is hard to be ‘overly enthused’ about anything at the moment.”

Paul Hunt: “The feeling of exhilaration I felt when the third goal went in against Southampton was something I hadn’t experienced in several recent seasons. Probably the last time was Korey Smith’s goal against Manchester United and during the Steve Cotterill promotion season. It has been absent for several years as we have had to show patience in getting our house in order. The FA Youth Cup run has also been a major positive.”

Ani Harish: “The Southampton game is probably the peak, not just the result but also the tactical nous shown by a City head coach to conjure up a clear plan to effectively neutralise a Saints side with a lot of quality was something we haven’t seen on a regular basis at Ashton Gate under different head coaches.

“It seriously felt like at that point these group of players were playing with confidence, and were executing Manning’s game plan and getting better themselves. It was probably the point of the season where I felt the most optimistic about a serious play-off push and was most convinced that Manning was getting his style of play, and intricate patterns across to the players.”

Steve Bennett: “Swansea away with my daughter. A scorching day and a top notch Pearson performance as City pressed and thrilled with some great counter-attacking play in a thrilling win.”

Matt Burke: “Southampton has to be the standout match for me. That’s the way we want to play and perform every game.”

Milo Lucas: “I loved our business in January, securing players like Josh Stokes and Max Bird for next year. Likewise with Scott Twine, I think he could be the perfect piece for us and it’s a massive shame he hasn’t been on the pitch much yet. The FA Cup run of course, West Ham away was one of my favourite ever days as a City fan. And you can’t ignore the result against Southampton.”

Matt Deane: “I like the mix of youth and experience we have at the club and how some of the younger players are starting to become more consistent and established. Some of the football has been exciting and attacking and ruthless but this has happened in parts and not consistent.”

David Pottier: “Struggling to think of something positive to say here! Perhaps seeing us compete successfully against West Ham and Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup.

And what’s been the most disappointing for you?

Tom Rawle: “It has to be the current form for me. Again, given where we were at the start of the year and even going back as recent as beating Borro and Southampton (sorry) We had three reasonably winnable games which would have put us in the picture for the play-offs and have been in horrid form ever since.”

Paul Binning: “Where do I start? The lack of creativity added in the summer to help cover Scott’s sale (we got runners and workers, not a spark of genius); the sacking of Nigel and the awful communications and excuses given at the time, followed by follow-up comms that have turned out to just be leadership digging themselves a deeper hole.

“The thing I don’t really understand is we’ve had this mantra that ‘this is the way we want to play’ and that we’ve brought in a head coach to work with the types of players we’ve been targeting for two years to take us to the next level, and yet now the narrative seems to be we need a number of changes in the summer to get players in who play Manning’s way.

“Not a lot of what we’ve done adds up well at all and it’s concerning how much it might cost us – in position, in transfers/wages and in lost season-ticket sales.”

David Thomas: “Since the managerial change, I feel that the style of play is pretty boring to watch and we are clearly struggling for results. I am also hugely disappointed with how Jon Lansdown and Brian Tinnion handled the managerial switch in October/November.

“The fans were sold a vision that simply didn’t exist. They claimed that a new manager would bring front foot and attacking football and also indicated that we were a top end squad and the previous management team were not getting the “best out of the players”. It was a delusional message to the fans.”

Paul Hunt: “How boring to watch the recent run of matches have been since the Southampton game. It is soul destroying. We are effectively safe in mid-table but trying to play like we are scrapping for odd points here and there as if we are in the bottom three. Playing boring and winning would be palatable but we have the worst of all worlds – boring, losing football. Plus Kal Naismith being more or less permanently injured. I think he would make a big difference.”

Ani Harish: “Pearson’s sacking is talked about a lot but most disappointing for me would be the sudden shift in style of play recently from Manning after a few recent defeats. To see a complete lack of self-belief from a head coach in his own methods, regardless of the set of players at his disposal, is disappointing and also rather concerning.

“We anticipated that Manning would use the rest of this season as a starting block to fully implement his own style of play but to have a feeling of ‘throwing in the towel’ for the rest of the season just sucked a lot of energy out of me.”

Steve Bennett: “The sacking of Nigel Pearson. I was a fan, look at the work him and Richard Gould did off the pitch to rebuild an unbalanced squad and change the playing culture. He gave a pathway for the academy and although it wasn’t transformational on the pitch, the foundations were being laid.”

Matt Burke: “The feel around the club and how disjointed it is. The reaction around Pearson leaving was so over the top, and it’s just continued from there.”

Milo Lucas: “Results of late have been disappointing, of course. Some part of me feels Nige could’ve been backed more in the summer and Brian Tinnion and co. overcompensated how much we could do in January.”

Matt Deane: “Results and performances, especially at home. Ashton Gate is not a fortress, it’s not feared by opposition players and I don’t know if it’s the pressure or the atmosphere but it’s hit and miss what Bristol City team will turn up on the day – first half vs Plymouth and second half vs Southampton, both excellent, or any of those other instantly forgettable home games we’ve lost/drawn.”

David Pottier: “How performances have fallen off a cliff since the Southampton win, in fact since Christmas, the cup run aside.”

What were your thoughts around Liam Manning’s appointment and what are your thoughts around him now?

Tom Rawle: “I must admit I thought we needed another ‘manager’ rather than a head coach. I was however pleased to see the club go in the direction we did. His CV looked reasonably okay, and you see other clubs take a chance on these young dynamic managers so why not give him a chance? My thoughts now are mostly frustration with him, as well as the players.”

Paul Binning: “I didn’t want Pearson sacked, like many, but if the spin had been done well then results (albeit with a monster injury list), home performances and his health were all valid reasons.

“Manning was a bright and exciting name at the time, given what we were told about how he wanted to do things. I feel a bit sorry for him, the fans have been sold a promise that he doesn’t quite appear yet ready to deliver on, or capable to do so. But I go back to my feeling in October that I felt we were only 2-3 players away and yet now it feels like further…”

David Thomas: “I wasn’t surprised that the board opted for a young coach. Once the decision was made to sack the previous management team (yep, it wasn’t just Nigel Pearson who lost his job) and Liam was appointed, I listened to the first press conference with huge interest and like any ‘real supporter’ would, you naturally want any Bristol City manager to do well.

“I met Liam shortly after he was appointed at the Fans Forum and spent a good five minutes chatting to him about joining the club. He was enthusiastic, came across well and was also very attentive to my 13-year-old son’s journey in football.

“Manning is not a bad apple. He is simply a young coach aiming for the top. What do I think now? I think he needs to tweak his ‘his own behaviours and emotions’ if he is to fulfil his three-and-a-half year contract with the club. At this moment in time, it is clearly not working for him.”

Paul Hunt: “I thought the board were just trying to get their own version of Kieran McKenna. They always seem to be following trends rather than setting our own.

“I wasn’t entirely happy about Pearson being sacked when he was but, at the same time, you can’t change history so I was prepared to see what Liam could do. Pearson’s teams didn’t always appear to have a plan so if Manning could bring something more in this respect I thought it might improve us. In hindsight the board bigged him up too much at the time “progressive, front foot, top-end squad”. From what I heard from Oxford fans, he was more pragmatic than say Russell Martin.

“Liam’s early press conferences talked about giving the players a structure from which they could then make their own decisions on the pitch depending on the situation they were confronted with. However, what I see now is a very formulaic set up with individual expression curtailed and the team almost looking robotic in their play. He talked about needing time on the training pitch but as soon as we moved to one game a week performances have nosedived.”

Ani Harish: “I was very excited to see Manning come in, and felt that a more progressive style of play was more likely to see us earn success especially with recent trends experienced in the championship e.g. Ipswich. That feeling hasn’t changed as I still feel in the longer term that Manning will bring us success, once he’s implemented his style of play.

“On the evidence shown by his Oxford United side there is still a strong belief within me that City will shift to a more progressive style of play, once Manning is given time and the necessary tools.”

Steve Bennett: “I was a little underwhelmed as knew very little about Liam. The sound bites by the club reassured me in terms of style of play, but when I listened to the George Elek interview on BBC Radio Bristol it sounded similar to how we played under Pearson. What was clear, Manning was a student of the game and very data driven.

“My alarm bells were ringing at home to Millwall and the togetherness which was part of the squad’s DNA appeared to be cracking.”

Matt Burke: “Underwhelmed to begin with. I knew of him but not enough to really know what to expect. But I feel for Manning, he’s taken a lot of flak which I feel is over the top and a lot isn’t his fault. But obviously it comes down to performances and results.”

Milo Lucas: “I was very happy when Manning was appointed, I didn’t massively like the idea of Eustace or Lampard. To me, it felt like a positive hire and the right decision after Nigel. Not much has changed to be honest, I firmly back Manning and I know that may get me some stick but I feel so far the positives of his time here outweigh the negatives.

“I’m more confident from watching the five months or so of him that he could be the one who gets us up the table and competing compared to any of our managers since we got promoted. He inherited a side built on Nige’s principles and identity. While I get he has had more than enough time to implement his ideas, I think it may be a case where he needs a whole summer and more of his own players in order to see his ideas come to fruition.

“I think his past record also must be taken into consideration, especially what he did getting Oxford up to second after taking over when they were right down the bottom.”

Matt Deane: “I could see the reasoning behind Manning’s appointment. Young, ambitious, with experience from around the world. I imagine the due diligence the club did on him would have come back positively and the club wanted a different type of manager/coach to what we’d had previously.

“I think the bloke needs to be given time. He was never going to turn us around with what we’ve got – his style is different to Nigel’s, we are yet to see him deviate too much from the style but he’s working with what he’s got.

“Had the club handled the Nigel departure better I don’t think Manning would be getting quite the amount of stick he’s getting currently. I’m all for ambition but Jon Lansdown’s proclamations have only made Manning’s job harder.”

David Pottier: “Underwhelmed when he was announced, even more so in recent weeks as his football philosophy seems geared to sucking all the entertainment out of 90 minutes.”

In your eyes, what do you think he’s done right, and what do you think he’s done wrong?

Tom Rawle: “When we play well, you can 100 per cent see the style of play he’s trying to implement, and it does look pretty on the eye, and it does get you excited. I admire he has a style of play, and he wants to play football a certain way.

“That being said… I think that’s his biggest downfall. For a young progressive coach, he just has no plan B. I know people have said before we have a team full of runners rather than footballers which Manning would possibly prefer. I know he has alluded to liking runners in the team before but not being able to change formation, tactics to suit the players he has and sticking with his style when it obviously isn’t working is disappointing to see.”

Paul Binning: “Initially, as alluded to earlier, I felt Liam had got us playing to a slightly higher level when we were good; a higher press, more dynamism going forward – but it was in flashes. But actually having been asked this question has made me think, and now I feel we’re less effective attacking as we’re not playing on that press or counter-attack to quite the same level. We’re definitely worse defensively, we appear less together as a squad and there’s a timid feel to the whole set-up. Perhaps it’s worse than I thought.

“It’s been talked about a lot but his talk of taking emotion out is highly contentious and someone should be having a word with him somewhere to tone that down. And where he talks constantly of the players being brave – he appears to have gone into his shell in recent weeks. Setting up to ‘stay in the game’ at home to a team in and around us in the league isn’t what anyone wants to hear or see.

“Be braver, Liam, prove to us in these last eight games you can take us forward and make us exciting to watch, or I fear an average crowd down by a few thousand will be watching a different manager next season.”

David Thomas: “That’s the toughest question so far. Most supporters have been crying out for the club to play two strikers up top. It would appear that Liam just doesn’t buy into that, certainly at the moment, with the current players at the club and how we are setting up in formation.

“He clearly got things right against West Ham, Wolves, Forest and the ‘famous’ Southampton game. In my opinion, he has a squad capable of being positioned around 10th-12th in the table, so at the moment, he has got more things wrong, than he has got right. You just need to look at the points obtained since his arrival which confirms that.”

Paul Hunt: “Right – identified our main problem is breaking down teams who set up to block against us. We brought in Scott Twine to try and solve it and it’s very unfortunate that he got injured after one match. Mehmeti has also improved although there is still more required. Anis was going downhill under Pearson but is playing better now. He has even put crosses in with his left foot in several recent games whereas he was predictably all right foot prior to Manning’s arrival.

“Wrong – in-game management is pitiful e.g the failure to react to Preston’s half-time subs; the failure to give Cam Pring any support when he was being scorched by Wes Burns at Ipswich; delayed substitutions too long at WBA.

“The failure to adjust formation when we are losing games gives the impression of arrogance. All subs are like for like every time. Can we not try two up front? Buzzwords in communication are grating and so I wonder if the players are also now getting tired of them. ‘Behaviours’ makes them sound like naughty schoolchildren. The team spirit that Pearson built in the club seems to be disappearing.”

Bristol City midfielder Scott Twine with Cam Pring (Photo by Dan Mullan/Getty Images)

Ani Harish: “Manning has made this side more tactically aware of their roles, eg. pressing triggers, which is a huge step up from Pearson. He talks the right stuff and gives off a feeling that his work on the training pitch is methodical, and very clearly thought out and the game plan chosen is very much in response to the opposition we’re facing.

“Saying that, his decision-making skills within certain games and his ability to react to the opposition has been very questionable up to now, and I can name several scenarios within his short spell so far as City head coach where he has lost the game due to a lack of tactical flexibility.”

Steve Bennett: “He has improved Joe Williams and is getting more from Mehmeti than Pearson did. We’ve seen flashes of good performances (Watford, away to West Ham, Southampton home and away). But indecision in games regarding substitutes (West Brom), making the wrong changes when building up a head of steam (QPR home) and changing formation when on top (Boro away). Has this caused a lack of trust among some players?”

Matt Burke: “He’s made us better defensively and a better-organised side….up until recently, anyway. But he needs to make changes sooner to affect games. And I feel chopping and changing the line-up each week doesn’t help.”

Milo Lucas: “My main concern with him is that it sometimes feels as if ‘the plan’ clearly isn’t working, there isn’t enough of a Plan B if you will. However, the games where he clearly has got the game plan right I think have been some of the best City games I’ve seen in years.

“I have for the most part been massively impressed by our press under Manning; I think it’s far more intelligent and deliberate than it was under Nige, where it often felt like we were just running for the sake of it. I do think he’s got to work on his subs and the time when they’ll be able to have the most impact on the game.”

Matt Deane: “I liked his early set up, we were creating lots of chances which then highlighted we needed a goal scorer. The likes of Matty James and Joe Williams were coming into their own, looking strong in the new system. Mehmeti looks better with every game he plays.

“I was surprised by how we played with the new system so quickly but in hindsight I wonder if that was a hybrid of the previous system and Manning’s, and now we are seeing Manning’s approach fully and it lacks flexibility to react when teams sit back or change their style…but then maybe it’s the players…I don’t know!”

David Pottier: “It’s a bit harsh to say he’s done nothing right, but this is a results business and 26 points from 23 league games suggests something isn’t working. Manning seems set in his ideas rather than show the ability to coach out the best from what he has – remember we were told that he was going to make a good squad better; he’s made it look poorer.”

Who’s been Bristol City’s standout performer so far this season?

Tom Rawle: “Rob Dickie for me, 100 per cent. We have been missing someone who can do it in both boxes since Aden Flint left. I’m looking forward to seeing him alongside Rob Atkinson when he is back from injury – two quality ball playing centre-backs.”

Paul Binning: “Dickie is the stand out for me, and most I suspect. Jason Knight made a tremendous impact coming in, and has been consistent, but probably found a little wanting for true effectiveness in the role he’s being asked to play. Dickie has been largely consistent alongside Zak Vyner, dominant in the air at the back, has a good touch and contributed goals from set-pieces.”

David Thomas: “I can’t really pick any one player out to be honest. They have all been around 5’s and 6’s all season. Arguably, you could say that Dickie has performed reasonably well and chipped in with some important goals.

“I won’t cop out though, so I will give the current standout performance award(s) to every player representing the Under-18 academy this season. They have all done incredibly well and I wish them all the very best in the semi-final against Manchester City next month.”

Paul Hunt: “Max O’Leary. I imagine most people will say Dickie or Knight but I think there is sometimes a bias towards new players in these things. O’Leary has made crucial saves to keep us in several games. I don’t get the criticism of him from some of our fans. He is not mistake free but no one is in the Championship. He provides a calming presence at the back. Dickie has been good although he didn’t get his place back straight away after his red card at the start of the season.”

Rob Dickie stands over Ipswich winger Omari Hutchinson (Photo by Joe Toth/REX/Shutterstock)

Ani Harish: “Dickie. A major reason we have had a decent defensive record all season is because of the consistency, in terms of names, in the backline. Dickie has arguably been the standout player out of this defensive unit. He’s also cropped up with some crucial goals at the other end, in tight games which have earned up some serious points against sides in and around City. Comfortably signing of the summer for me.”

Steve Bennett: “Dickie – top signing, added some very important goals, a real asset in both boxes. Great range of passing and first name on the teamsheet.”

Matt Burke: “Knight, for me. He works his socks off and when played in his best position will only improve.”

Milo Lucas: “Dickie has been such a good addition, offers us a huge threat off set-pieces we haven’t had since Flint. Seems to always be so composed at the back too and he had a ridiculous passing range.”

Matt Deane: “Hard to pick one – Knight and Vyner would be up there but I’ll go for Dickie. Solid defender, bags of experience and pops up with some very timely goals. When he’s caught out on the odd occasion, or he bombs on (wish he’d pull the trigger once in a while) the system allows for his colleagues across the back to cover for him.”

David Pottier: “Rob Dickie, Jason Knight.”

We appreciate a lot has happened since, but if you can recall your thoughts going into the campaign, what they were, and where City are now compared to that?

Tom Rawle: “If I was going to put money on where we would finish, I would have said about 10th at the start of the season and probably flirt with the play offs at times. At times during the season, I thought it was achievable but now we are a very long way off this.”

Paul Binning: “Going into the season I was expecting to build; Top-half finish, hopefully top 10 with a sniff at a play-off chance if things went well and we had a bit of luck. Despite the horrendous injury list through October we were still easily close enough to achieve that, but no-one will ever know what keeping the status quo and seeing what Pearson could have built on with a more fit squad would have achieved.”

David Thomas: “At the start of the campaign, I honestly thought that we were showing signs of slow improvement under Pearson, Curtis Fleming and Jason Euell. I guess this was born from the change in formation during Christmas 2022. From December 29, 2022, when we played against Millwall, we went on a 12-game unbeaten run. That was progress.

“What have we seen since Christmas 2023? Not very much. As mentioned, I predicted 10th -12th this season and we will fall well short of that unless we see a miraculous turnaround in the next eight games.”

Paul Hunt: “I thought we would finish around 10th with a play-off push if things went really well. We’ve made some encouraging signings and the club had been stabilised and it appeared to be time to now move forward on the pitch.

“Now I think we are back down the snake at the start of another rebuild looking at a below mid-table finish. Young players have been signed to come in next season with a promise of a No9, so to me looks like more time will have to be given to allow the team to rebuild. I’m not anticipating a play-off push next season.”

Ani Harish: “At the start it was to make even more progress under Pearson and finish, certainly, in the top-half of the league after a fairly decent season prior to that.

“It has to be noted that when Manning came in the expectation on my part hasn’t necessarily been focused on league position or points accumulated, it’s more been about how well we progress with this new style of play for the rest of the season.

“Compared to the start of the year, I’m not too displeased with the league position and points and do think there’s enough within this squad to bump up a couple more places and possibly finish in the top half.”

Steve Bennett: “I was hopeful of a top-10 finish at the start of the season and was excited by Knight and Dickie, Ross McCrorie and a full season of Tommy Conway, although I also felt we were a midfielder short with Scott leaving.

“Although the team is by and large the same, injuries have hampered progress and the team does not have the same presence on the pitch as it did pre-Christmas. We are on a downward trajectory and bottom 10 is probably where we will end up.”

Matt Burke: “My thoughts were mid-table/play off push but realistically, I think we are where we should be.”

Milo Lucas: “I was fairly confident we would improve on 14th under Nigel. I predicted us to finish ninth at the start of season and I think progress up the table was the main thing I was hoping for.

“I think that potentially becomes irrelevant as Manning was hired, making it pretty hard to judge now. I think we’ve made progress in many areas but also have got worse in others. It does feel like we’re at the start of a project at the moment, which in my opinion is a project that has much more potential then what Nige’s project would have panned out as.”

Matt Deane: “I was confident going into the campaign that we might be in/around the top eight. Some new signings coupled with some of the younger players benefitting from the previous seasons experience under their belts, a decent pre-season and the faith from Nigel in them.

“I didn’t see an automatic promotion side but a flirt with the play offs and an improvement at home, making Ashton Gate a tough place to come. Currently we are nowhere near that – table position-wise or in the performances.”

David Pottier: “Top ten, possible play-off challenge. It looks like they are actually going to fare worse than last season.”

How do you see the rest of the season panning out? What would constitute success for you, from this point on?

Tom Rawle: “It’ll fizzle out into nothing again which is again very underwhelming and frustrating as a fan. I’m fed up with it. I think Manning will be judged by the hierarchy on the remaining games and I genuinely believe we need at least four wins from the remaining eight games.”

Paul Binning: “As suggested above, I honestly feel Manning has eight games to save his job. If we end the season in the manner the last month has gone, we’ll end up bottom third, with low crowds and zero excitement or hope for next season.

“Whilst there has often been patience with our owner, a crash in season-ticket sales is something that cannot be acceptable. If Manning can react strongly to that. do something different and get us going, there is no reason why this squad can’t perform back at top 10 levels, get 14-15 points and finish with over 60 points. Ultimately, however we’ve ended up getting there, that wouldn’t be too bad an overall performance.”

David Thomas: “It’s been a very disappointing season, so I guess ‘success’ at this stage would be to better our points tally from the 22/23 season (59 points). It’s not a Manager X versus Manager Y competition with regards to the points per game attained this season, so let’s just focus on the collective. We are currently averaging 1.23 PPG over the last 38 games, so I would expect us to mirror this for the remaining eight games, so rounded up, that will give us another 10 points, meaning we will end up with 57 for 2023/24. That’s not progress is it?”

Paul Hunt: “Limping over the finishing line, playing the same boring football with a continuing divide between club, team and fans.

“I can’t see Liam being sacked. I want him to succeed but am now worried he isn’t up to the job and we don’t want to waste more seasons stagnating. Success at this point would be seeing some entertaining football. We aren’t going to get promoted or relegated so why not try some different ideas on the pitch to see if they work? It would also help get the fans back on side.”

Ani Harish: “Winning games against sides that are going to set up in a low-mid block against City! More importantly, to see a side that looks like it is playing with a bit of confidence about itself. It’s a cliche but “taking the shackles off” would fit quite well here considering how lethargic, slow-paced and frustrating the last few weeks have been.”

Steve Bennett: “I’m not hopeful of a positive finish. I think we may get between 3-6 more points based on current form. My expectations have been really lowered since New Year.

“I think it’s less about points now but about performances. Manning needs to get the team playing. Dickie, Twine, Williams, Conway, Wells is a pretty good spine of a Championship side.”

Matt Burke: “The season is over for us now….and to be honest I can’t wait for it to be finished, just finishing as high as we can would be a positive. Hopefully, we can get some positive results ready for the summer.”

Milo Lucas: “I can see us regrouping a bit during the international break and maybe even getting a result against Leicester! I can’t see us falling below 14th now and I think realistically all the success I can hope for at this point would be breaking into the top-half, if we can get a good run of games together.”

Matt Deane: “It would be a shame for the season to peter out but I fear it may do with a couple more wins. We need some results, or at the very least some battling performances, to arrest some of the frustration from the supporters.

“Success would be to get as many wins as possible between now and the end of the season – sounds simple but part of me feels like get this season over asap, and give Manning the time to shape his squad.”

David Pottier: “We could easily lose the next three against Leicester, Plymouth and Sunderland. Right now, success would be beating last season’s points total. We won’t be going down.”

What are your thoughts on the overall governance of the club at this moment in time?

Tom Rawle: “I honestly really don’t know. I think it’s the first time certainly since I’ve been an adult that I genuinely don’t care about what is going on behind the scenes. I put the blame on the club for that though. I feel totally disconnected from the club at the moment and feel no togetherness at all.”

Paul Binning: “How long do we have?! The mantra of having a club style, way of playing and bringing that through from youth ages, through 18s, 21s and into the first team is spot on. It’s the way to run a club. We talk a good game, but it needs backing up with action too.

“I was confident when Pearson was sacked that we knew exactly the type of coach we wanted to make us play a more modern, attacking style and they were the noises at the time. That’s partly why I was confident when we appointed Manning – we’d surely gone and got the high potential coach we knew we needed? He’s a student of the game, he has great coaching experience, if not managerial, but the last month has shaken those beliefs not just of me but surely those responsible for the appointment too.

“In other areas fans were crying out for ‘a football man’ when Mark Ashton was here. We now have Brian covering the footballing elements of that role and many seem against that now too. Ultimately due to results and the way Nige’s sacking was handled.

“There’s been a belief for a long time that the Lansdowns need someone they can trust to run the football side, and they have that – in their mind at least. You can’t swing around and change strategy every season so hopefully the base levels we saw in September, and again in December and January, can be built on using the current set-up and get us to the levels we all want to be at.”

David Thomas: “The easiest question to answer! Based on the messages delivered by the board over the course of this season, the overall governance of the club (at this moment in time) is very poor and desperately needs to improve.

“I stumbled across an old Fans Forum on Youtube recently, when we had the ‘trio set up’ in Gould, Pearson and Tinnion, there was a feeling of honesty, trust and belief. That seems to have been lost and that’s not just because Gould and Pearson have left the club. That feeling can return no doubt – CEOs and managers move on – but we do need something to change as there seems to be a lot of unrest and division between the supporters and the hierarchy.”

Paul Hunt: “It feels like a disregard of the fans mainly due to communication issues. Gould leaving was a hammer blow in hindsight. The whole restructuring with no CEO has never been fully explained. I get the sense that the Lansdowns have lost some interest and enthusiasm.

“Tinnion’s comments about targeting the FA Youth Cup this season were a rare positive insight. I love Tinnion’s enthusiasm. However, small things like fees on each individual ticket makes it feel that we are being milked as a fan base. Shirt designs all hark back to the past, no new ideas.

“I know we are talking about the men but all we hear about the women’s team is they have the third biggest attendances in the WSL. Fantastic foresight by the club to play their games at Ashton Gate etc, but the team have been left to flounder, no home win all season, relegation beckons. It will be harder to get up again than it would be to have invested a bit more to stay in the division, get a foot hold and build something long lasting. Screams lack of ambition to me.”

Ani Harish: “There’s a lot to talk about regarding the ownership and the board at the football club however I don’t think the summer recruitment last year was enough to back Pearson then, and has now left us in a situation where the new manager (who wants to play a completely different brand of football) can’t do so because the players can’t adapt.

“That falls a lot on the recruitment, as well as Pearson to an extent, however you don’t blame him as such because these are his players and fit well in a ‘Pearson system’. The hierarchy have to back Manning, in whatever capacity he wants them to – whether that’s a mass squad turnover, coaching staff, money etc – it needs to happen otherwise we’ll have another situation where the manager is ultimately left under-equipped going into the start of a new season.”

Steve Bennett: “I’m not really sure on the roles and responsibilities anymore. With Gould and Pearson leaving the club, we’ve lost two experienced leaders who complemented each other and had presence. I felt the club had a plan and direction, I’m not convinced anymore.”

Matt Burke: “Sadly, I think it is time for a change at the top. We need fresh ideas and more investment if we want to push forward. We are just a mid-table Championship side and with the current way the club is run, that is what we will continue to be (that’s not a criticism, it’s just reality).”

Milo Lucas: “To me it feels like Manning is the Lansdowns’ last go at play-offs/promotion before they sell. They have to back him in the transfer window this summer if they really want to prove to us they’re fully behind him.

“I think while they’ve done so much good for the club, sooner rather than later some change is needed. I’m not entirely convinced Tinnion is the right man to be so involved in the senior set-up either whilst he has done so much good with the academy. It’s a difficult one as I think we have to be careful what we wish for in regards to a new owner.”

Matt Deane: “Very broad question! Jon Lansdown is the chairman – he makes the decisions; some of which people may not agree with but ultimately that’s his role. .

“He’s outlined his thinking with Liam Manning’s appointment and this is where we are. I believe Jon and club officials have learnt from the awful way Pearson’s departure was handled and communications since has been better…..however it could still improve.

“What I believe the club need to do is be clear around the governance structure. I’d like to know the differences between the roles of each person; where I work we have a clear governance structure – I’d like to see something like that from the club. Who’s responsible for what? Not as a rod to beat people with but to understand clear accountability and decision-making, otherwise questions will arise.”

David Pottier: “Poor. Pearson’s exit was poorly managed, fans are using Manning as a stick to beat the board with for not spending more of the Alex Scott money. They would get some respect if they held their hands up and said things have not gone as they had hoped. A decline in season ticket sales would surely be some sort of wake-up call.”