Unsettling video released by Green Brigade

In a matter that has grown increasingly divisive in Scottish football over time, the Green Brigade has voiced grave concerns about the way police handled fans during their most recent visit to Motherwell.

Celtic in Green Brigade 'break in and threats' retort | Celtic Way
Unsettling video and pictures have surfaced when Celtic and the Fir Park team squared off in an SPFL match, marring the day with claims of police brutality.

The Green Brigade, citing yet another chapter in what is being called a troubling trend, expressed their alarm and dismay at the conduct seen on Sunday on social media.

The statement opened with the words, “Once again, Celtic fans were subject to dangerous police practices at Sunday’s match through the use of excessive force, police horses, and steel pens,” exposing the resentment that many felt. The story described instances in which supporters—among them, a young one—were purportedly subjected to excessive force. One especially terrifying story involves a young fan who was pushed to the ground by a cop. As more officers intervened, the fan became distressed and said that his neck was being compressed so hard that he was unable to breathe.

As previously reported, there was another incident in which a young fan was attacked and suffered serious physical injuries. The GB contends that these reports are indicative of a larger problem of criminalization and hostility toward football fans rather than merely individual events. There is a growing belief that the way fans are currently policed not only violates their rights but also fosters a hostile and fearful culture instead of guaranteeing everyone’s safety and respect.

The main thrust of the Green Brigade’s message is a request for Celtic Football Club to take action. It’s an appeal for the team to recognize its responsibility to its followers, who are the foundation of the organization. An intense and devoted fan base has only been made more hostile by the frequent accusations of oppressive behavior and the subsequent silence or inaction from those in positions of power.

This circumstance brings up important issues regarding the proper ratio of safety to fan rights, the function of football teams as supporters’ representatives, and the procedures in place for handling complaints and guaranteeing responsibility.

It is impossible to overlook how vivid the Green Brigade’s experiences and accusations are. They act as a reminder of the need for reform, open communication, and improved treatment of football supporters by both the government and the teams who play the game.


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